Bio & Bibliography

Norbert Kron, born 1965 in Munich, lives since 1992 in Berlin as a writer, journalist (ARD) and director of tv shows. His major topics are german history & jewish culture, literature, film & opera, capitalist society and gender relations, intercultural dialogue & Israel/Palestine.

He interviewed many celebreties, such as Angelina Jolie, Helmut Schmidt, Christian Bale, Martin Scorsese, Christoph Schlingensief, Charlotte Rampling, Willem Dafoe or Michel Houellebecq, and works for the first and secpmd channel of german television ARD and ZDF ("titel thesen temperamente", “ZDF aspekte”) and other programmes.

He published the novels "Autopilot" (2002 Hanser Verlag) and "Der Begleiter (The Escort)" (2008 dtv) and edited several anthologies with short stories. His most recent project: the bilangual german-israeli story book "Wir vergessen nicht, wir gehen tanzen (We don't forget, we go dancing)" (edited with Amichai Shalev, S. Fischer Verlag, Afik Books Tel Aviv 2015). Together with ConAct he established the project "Don't forget, dance" on the relations between Israelis and Germans of the third generation.

2022 he published the book “Der Mann, der E.T.A. Hoffmann erfand” on the real story of Hoffmann’s romantic life and his amazing friendsip with jewish german Julius Eduard Hitzig, born as Isaac Elisas Itzig, who brought him from music to literature.

Norbert Kron is a member of the german writers' national soccer team "Autonama" (Autorennationalmannschaft) and won the european writers' cup in 2010.

Awards (selection)

Neustart Stipendium der VG Wort 2022

Stipendium des Deutschen Literaturfonds 2012

Villa Serpentara, Olevano Romano 2010

Villa Aurora, Los Angeles 2004


e-mail to: norbertkron [at]