What Is A Genius (part 2)?

Raus mit der Sprache, schöner Jude Law: Wie narzistisch muss ein Genie sein? Bringen uns Genies nur neue große Ideen, wenn sie sich in der Wirklichkeit asoziale Arschlöcher sind? Genau ein solches spielt Law in "Genius", wo er den Schriftsteller Tom Wolfe verkörpert. Also: Mark Twain sagt "Writing is easy. All you have to do is to cross out the wrong words." Muss der Künstler, um Genie zu sein, die falschen Einflüsterungen der Anderen ausstreichen, sich selbstbezogen auf sich beziehen?

"Your Twain quote, I like that. I think any artistic process is about choosing what to discard and what is important. And even when you put on the spot, you can only choose one. Making these kind of decisions is important because you always have to destill of what you're doing down to the essential.

I think there are elements to genius that are with madness. Because it's an isolating process. And I also think there always has to be a sort of selfishness that separates you from others - and that's whatever the medium, if you are an architect, an engineer, a painter, an actor, a writer or a doctor. It embodies a sort of drive, a motivation in something that most people probably can't see or understand that ultimately isolates you and drives to distraction because no other will understand what you're doing and you seem to be destroying rather than creating. I think that's applicable to the broadest term genius but not necessarily in the arts alone.

The one thing I'd always say is with acting you need to collaborate. With writing or playing a musical instrument or painting, you can do it on your own, so you're your own master. With acting it's slightly frustrating, you need a script, you need a group of people and indeed an audience to become alive. 
You meet like-minds but people with different approaches and different opinions. You learn to give a little and to stand up and fight for what your own really believe in. To me that's the best part of acting."